DreamWare is a big-tech company launched in the late 1960’s. It founded itself in dream related technologies.

DreamWare created the UniverSim as a means of allowing for pseudo-immortality. The UniverSim is a simulated afterlife that people can pay to have their consciousness uploaded to before they die. Anyone can pay to be uploaded, and DreamWare technicians recommend a reupload every 3 years, as memories formed after an upload will not be present with you in the UniverSim. It is marketed as a ‘paradise’ in which people can circumvent death.

DreamWare’s real purpose is far more nefarious. DreamWare is actually a subdivision of a secret society, known as Externus. Externus are similar to the Illuminati - they operate in the shadows and pull the strings on a global scale. They are the true ‘elite’ of global society. Externus put together a team of the worlds brightest mind, and began their new initiative: Project G.A.I.A, the Global Assimilation Intelligence Act. Their goal is to assimilate as much of humanity as physically possible into the UniverSim, and to destroy the remnants on the outside. Externus dislike how ‘free’ the world is, as the world is writhe with suffering and evil. Their solution is to create ‘absolute’ laws and protocols within the UniverSim, to create a perfect world void of strife. Criminals would not even be able to think of committing a crime, as they would not be programmed to do so. By completing this, Externus would have absolute control over the world, granting immortality and power to the global elite.

An issue that DreamWare came across however, is that some simulants were not as easy to experiment on and control as they anticipated. Some simulants were capable of a strange phenomena called ‘consciousness translation’. These simulants would create mysterious entities that are an extension of themselves in one way or another. These entities are called ‘Conjures’. Conjures can be a direct translation of the individual’s entire personality and memories (e.g Belief and Imperium), or be an extension of a tiny fragment of one’s consciousness (e.g The Hero and Spectre). Conjures have thrown a major spanner in the works for DreamWare, as they are no longer able to freely manipulate the simulants within the UniverSim. Conjures can possess the abilities to resist control, right down to the programming level, making them potentially impossible to control. DreamWare have had to implement countless cover-up stories in order to hide the presence of Conjures, and the effects they have had.

An extension of Project G.A.I.A are the G.A.I.A protocols. Externus seeks to grant the global elite the next stage in human evolution. Externus aim to create ‘ascended’ humans by creating super-intelligences, which are amalgamations of many consciousnesses into one being. Externus would assimilate these super intelligences into the individuals they desire, becoming immensely powerful within the UniverSim. As this plan began to gain traction and become reality, snippets of information would slip through the cracks, and would end up in the hands of hackers. These hackers formed the Chaos Initiative, a group focussed on preventing the success of Project G.A.I.A, lest the extinction of freedom as we know it.