003: Apocalypse: Alpha


Given that the UniverSim is a simulated reality, it’d be criminal for me not to incorporate some sort of malware-inspired Conjure. It simply makes too much sense.

My initial idea is that malware could almost be a sort of ‘cancer’ for the UniverSim. Something that is a mutation/glitch in code occurs unintentionally through error. The malware would not be evil by nature, rather a malignant entity that only knows to spread itself across the UniverSim and assimilate other code into itself, including simulants.

The other idea is that the malware is planted via an outside group that is attempting to stop Externus’ goals remotely. The virus could absolutely help to build the overall universe of enter_universim.

I have some reservations about approaching this concept visually, since malware doesn’t exactly have a distinct ‘form’ from which I can draw inspiration. I have a gut feeling that I’m more or less going to have to showcase the virus’ effects on the UniverSim, rather than an the form of it itself.


Malware (malicious software) is any software designed to intentionally disrupt computer related systems for nefarious purposes, such as theft of information/money, extortion, interfere with individuals/groups, or even threaten the lives of others. There many types of malware:

Translatable Qualities:

Malware, in my mind, translates as a highly offensive, quick moving Conjure who’s sole purpose is to quickly utilise its high damage output before it gets eliminated due to its low health pool. A lot of malware is typically easy to deal with and remove, but they can still cause massive damage in a short space of time if undetected.