This event was unfortunately not of much use to me in the end, which is a shame. My game was positioned directly behind a pillar concealed from the entrance, and almost everyone who came in was a young child. Since the game wasn’t in its stripped back paper prototype form at this point, I couldn’t really show children any part of the game. Thus, I only ended up getting to do one playtest. This playtest was genuinely really helpful however, as the man who played my game clearly knew his stuff about board games, yet was patient in letting me explain the game and was not overly critical of it. He offered genuinely constructive criticism that served to better the overall game, which I am happy about.

He spotted issues in Liberty’s attack wording (the criteria for charging Supernova weren’t fully clear), Neurogenesis’ ability wording (the criteria for Neuroplasticity healing were not fully clear), and Spectre’s movement (Spectre was once again too much to cope with). He praised the idea of Lifeline Protocols, and said he thought they were a fun addition to the game, which I’m really happy about.