The name of the project up until now has been 'enter_universim' - which I personally think is a really strong name choice for the game. I feel as though it quickly summarises everything the game is about. The UniverSim is the setting of the game and the driving force behind it, and the 'enter' part is almost beckoning, adding some sort of mystery and enticement to the name. However, I haven't really had a lot of genuine thought into how I should name the game, so I am going to go through the process of coming up with a name to trial some new ideas.

One exercise that Derek Yates suggested that we do was one in which we had to come up with words associated with our game. This was to help conjure up specific words and phrases that we should include in the language of our branding, but I feel like it can be applied well here:

This exercise is to help really pin down what our games represent, down to individual words. Using everything I've made thus far, I came up with as many related words as I could, eventually closing in on the words:



