
Fate is a major theme in simulation theory. Free will and determinism are debated in the real world, but the concepts are further examined in regards to simulated reality. It is impossible for us to know whether or not we truly have free will, or whether we are operating under a divine plan from which there is no deviation. I want to explore different aspects of free will and determinism in order to fully flesh out the concept of fate within the UniverSim.

My initial idea is to have either end of the extreme represented as individual Conjures: one that is able to manipulate fate to its own wishes, and one that has no choice but to conform to something greater.

I was inspired to look into fate by my research into the Norns of Norse mythos, creatures that spin a golden thread and manipulate the fate of all living beings.

Research (taken from my semester 1 website):

Translatable Qualities:

From the research, I’m currently thinking of three distinct directions: a Conjure capable of total free will by manipulating fate, a Conjure that is subject to the will of a higher being (a puppet), and a Conjure who must operate according to a plan (a program perhaps?).

Going purely by fate as a concept, I think both free will and determinism both connote the defensive archetype more than the others, but they both have supportive and offensive qualities. Free will is absolutely more evocative of defence, since I can easily see a Conjure being able to manipulate fate outside the realms of determinism in order to ‘foresee’ incoming attacks in order to deflect or avoid them. This concept could also be true of determinism aswell, since, if everything is going accord to a plan, one could potentially read said plan ahead of time, somehow. If one is acting according to the will of a higher being, said higher being could also be capable of manipulating fate.

Conjure Ideas:

For the free will and determinism based Conjures, I’m feeling particularly inspired by the concept of light vs dark, or holy vs unholy. I love the idea of the ‘puppet’ concept, whereby a Conjure must act in accordance to the will of a higher being. This Conjure could adopt an occult-inspired form to elicit imagery of the devil or Satan perhaps? The free will-inspired Conjure could take inspiration from angels of some kind to connote a higher level of existence, thus implying free will?

Free Will: