Conjure Brief:

Sketches and Ideas

Designing Sigil

1. I began by blocking out the shadows and highlights, and I started adding some cracks in the space at the ends of each leg, to signify that Sigil is attempting to break free.

  1. I began by blocking out the shadows and highlights, and I started adding some cracks in the space at the ends of each leg, to signify that Sigil is attempting to break free.

2. I then began making some glitchy effects to put around the cracks, and inside of the dream catcher.

  1. I then began making some glitchy effects to put around the cracks, and inside of the dream catcher.

3. Messing around with effects. I also added the thread within the dream catcher.

  1. Messing around with effects. I also added the thread within the dream catcher.

4. Using the previous effects, I swapped the saturation of the exterior effects and interior effects to emphasise the focal point.

  1. Using the previous effects, I swapped the saturation of the exterior effects and interior effects to emphasise the focal point.

5. I then experimented with glow around the legs, and started adding some colour.

  1. I then experimented with glow around the legs, and started adding some colour.

6. I ended up removing the glass cracks as they felt a bit too messy. I then added a desaturated glow around the legs, with noise around them and no shading as to symbolise the evil within the dream catcher. I also gave the thread a glow, as to symbolise that it is holding Sigil back and suggest its magical properties.

  1. I ended up removing the glass cracks as they felt a bit too messy. I then added a desaturated glow around the legs, with noise around them and no shading as to symbolise the evil within the dream catcher. I also gave the thread a glow, as to symbolise that it is holding Sigil back and suggest its magical properties.

7. To fill in the empty space, I added the detail of energy being channelled into the dream catcher, as a suggestion that Sigil is consuming nightmares and growing stronger.

  1. To fill in the empty space, I added the detail of energy being channelled into the dream catcher, as a suggestion that Sigil is consuming nightmares and growing stronger.

Final Default Artwork

8. Although I liked the pink colour, I didn’t think it quite fit the Sigil concept. I also had a few pink/purple Conjures by this point as well, so I experimented with some different colours. I opted with a teal/green, which I think works really well.

  1. Although I liked the pink colour, I didn’t think it quite fit the Sigil concept. I also had a few pink/purple Conjures by this point as well, so I experimented with some different colours. I opted with a teal/green, which I think works really well.

Lifeline Protocol

1. Since I’m an aracnophobe, I really didn’t want to make a face that was definitively a spider. To get around this, I wanted to make a fusion of both arachnid and mammalian features. I made eye structures akin to spiders, then jaws/noses like mammals. Thankfully, none of these triggered my arachnophobia. The designs I like the most are the top left, and the one directly below it. I like the idea of putting a pair of eyes in the mandibles, as I don’t think any creature has that sort of feature, so it’d be quite  unique and unsettling. I also like the idea of it not having a bottom jaw, just to add to how unusual the design will be.

  1. Since I’m an aracnophobe, I really didn’t want to make a face that was definitively a spider. To get around this, I wanted to make a fusion of both arachnid and mammalian features. I made eye structures akin to spiders, then jaws/noses like mammals. Thankfully, none of these triggered my arachnophobia. The designs I like the most are the top left, and the one directly below it. I like the idea of putting a pair of eyes in the mandibles, as I don’t think any creature has that sort of feature, so it’d be quite unique and unsettling. I also like the idea of it not having a bottom jaw, just to add to how unusual the design will be.

1. To realise the design, I went into Blender to mess with shapes until something began to stick. I kept the arachnid inspiration, but once again fused it with mammalian features so I could actually produce it. I ended up with a design where the arachnid abdomen is a ribcage, acting as the point from which the legs emerge.

  1. To realise the design, I went into Blender to mess with shapes until something began to stick. I kept the arachnid inspiration, but once again fused it with mammalian features so I could actually produce it. I ended up with a design where the arachnid abdomen is a ribcage, acting as the point from which the legs emerge.

2. Trialling different poses.

  1. Trialling different poses.

3. Trialling another pose.

  1. Trialling another pose.

4. I began drawing by blocking in the shadows and highlights. I did the lighting coming up from the dream catcher, as to serve as a visual metaphor for the nightmarish energy breaking free of its prison, along with Sigil.

  1. I began drawing by blocking in the shadows and highlights. I did the lighting coming up from the dream catcher, as to serve as a visual metaphor for the nightmarish energy breaking free of its prison, along with Sigil.

5. I added some of the threads of the dreamcatcher, some clinging onto Sigil for dear life, attempting to hold it back, and some that have snapped in their attempts. I also started to show energy flowing out of the dream catcher.

  1. I added some of the threads of the dreamcatcher, some clinging onto Sigil for dear life, attempting to hold it back, and some that have snapped in their attempts. I also started to show energy flowing out of the dream catcher.

6. I then added some bloom and some noise to add to the corrupted feel of the piece.

  1. I then added some bloom and some noise to add to the corrupted feel of the piece.

7. Messing around with glitch effects to see how I can better the piece. I trialled a layer mask to show a noisy gradient that grows stronger at the point where Sigil is coming out of the dream catcher, to further signify a transition between prison and the outside world.

  1. Messing around with glitch effects to see how I can better the piece. I trialled a layer mask to show a noisy gradient that grows stronger at the point where Sigil is coming out of the dream catcher, to further signify a transition between prison and the outside world.