Conjure Brief:
- The idea I have at the moment is a Conjure that comes in two parts, the individual, and the manifestation of their trauma/mental afflictions as its own distinct entity. The entity and the individual are one in the same and are thus inseparable, and the entity feeds off of the individuals negativity, constantly acting in ways that will increase their negativity. The entity would fend off anyone who gets too close, and continually isolate the individual, taking pleasure in their plight.
- Shadowy entity, lots of blacks and greys
- Many hands, to symbolise entrapment and restraint?
- The entity could constantly have a chokehold on the individual
- They could loom over the individual and dominate the artwork, as to symbolise the power dynamic
- Evil expression, and a malicious grin
- The individual themselves would have an empty, melancholic expression, or an outright sad expression
- Pasty white skin, as to symbolise a lack of exposure to the outside world and sickness simultaneously
- Maybe black eyes, as to indicate possession of some sort?
- Lack of muscle, as to further indicate lack of activity and exposure to the outside
Sketches and Ideas
Designing Imprisoned
I actually had quite the headache making the default art for this Conjure. I trialled a few different ideas and didn’t end up particularly happy with any of them, but I did eventually manage to end up in a place of contentment with it. I’m not entirely sure why I didn’t enjoy the pieces I made for Imprisoned, they just sort of looked ‘wrong’ and didn’t quite sit right with me.
- This piece simply has the Imprisoned entity holding the simulant by their head, silencing them. I felt that this piece was too static, and that the simulant felt too lifeless.
- I like the idea of having Imprisoned taking a much bigger role in the piece, but since it is black, it blends too much into the background for this to work. It leaves too much empty space and blurs the details on the simulants body.
- This piece is a bit more successful. There is good enough contrast between the elements, and the simulant well and truly looks trapped.
- I did try to think up some more ideas, but I struggled to think of anything solid at the time. Instead, I revisited the previous iteration and simply made some adjustments and additions, such as the removal of colour, and the addition of hair and tears. This one definitely conveys Imprisoned the best, but I am still not 100% on it.
Final Default Artwork
Lifeline Protocol
For the Lifeline Protocol, there was only really one approach I felt confident about. The idea is that Imprisoned shows itself to the viewer, and demonstrates its stranglehold over the simulant.
- Blocking in colours and ensuring that Imprisoned looks well and truly in control, and that it enjoys the simulants suffering.
- Adding some details.
- Adding some glitch effects to the background to help increase contrast between Imprisoned and the background. I also added a vignette, to help make the piece feel a bit more claustrophobic, as though the simulant is well and truly trapped.
Final Lifeline Protocol Artwork
Card Iteration History