Conjure Brief:
- Create a Conjure that draws visually from nebulae and neurons. An enormous superstructure that spans lightyears, composed of enormous individual neurons that store data. These neurons range from tiny, to planetary in size.
- Experiment with scale and decide which approach is better: neurons can either be microscopic or planetary, thus it is impossible to convey both sizes in one piece.
- Experiment with colour, since its difficult to really pinpoint a colour that suits this Conjure. Grey and a desaturated pink are the only ones that come to mind, but may not be the most appropriate.
- There should be no indication as to emotion, intent, or personality. It should be void of anything a person could interpret as such, to add to its mysteriousness.
Sketches and Ideas
Creating Neurogenesis

- I started with a simple cell design, adding a central point and connecting structures to being expanding the design into other cells.

- I experimented with a glow, and began with the colour purple in mind.

- I experimented with a connected point design to link back to the digital aspect of the UniverSim, and to further the ‘connection’ aspect of Neurogenesis.

- I wasn’t overly keen on the purple at this point, so I messed around with a chromatic effect on the underlying white, so add a messy effect.

- I then took the design, and spread it across the piece to create a neural network.

- I didn’t feel too confident in the connective points being enough visual content for a well-rounded piece, so I opted to give each cell a more organic surrounding structure, to really sell the neuron idea.

- I experimented by flipping the values of the cell structures, and was happy with how it turned out. I felt it made more sense for the exterior to be a bit brighter.

- Since this would be taken on a microscopic level, I felt it fit to add some sort of distortion, as microscopic imagery is never clear.

- I experimented with a cloudy background effect, but I wasn’t too keen on it.
Final Default Artwork

In post, I added an iris blur to help the central neuron be the focal point. I also added some noise and distortion to the background to emphasise distance, and to add to the microscopic imagery idea from earlier.
Lifeline Protocol

- My initial idea was to create a sort of brain pattern out of the Neurogenesis cell structures, forming them into one giant ‘consciousness’. I didn’t end up taking this idea forward however, as I felt it looked too digital and inorganic, going against Neurogenesis’ brief. I then tried to draw a convincing nebula, but found I was unable to really create the random and organic patterns of gas that nebulae posses. Instead, I opted for a new approach, this time in Blender.

- The first particle render. I looks good, but there isn’t enough detail all over.

- By tweaking the geometry nodes, I started getting a bit closer to a nebula structure. This one looks really good.

- I let the simulation continue to let the particles move further away, resulting in this. It looks good, but it looks too much like smoke.

- This one is similar to the third, but it is slightly further ahead in the simulation. I think I prefer this one a little bit more, as the wispy parts feel a bit larger and more spacious.