Conjure Brief:
- Create a Lunar Witch that worships an entity known as the Blood Moon. She is to draw visually from stereotypical witches robes, and her face is to be masked by the shadows of her hood. She is to assume a ritualistic/worship related pose. The Blood Moon itself is to make some sort of appearance, whether alluded to or explicitly in frame.
- Visual reference to a pentagram or other ritual circle
- Visual reference to blood and/or blood magic
- Visual reference to runes
Sketches and Ideas

Creating Penumbra

- I began with a rough outline of what I wanted.

- I started to mess around with shapes, to see where I could fit in a moon design.

- I ended up settling for a crescent shape above Penumbra herself, that would drip blood down onto her.

- Blocking in the lights and darks, to fit the art style.

- Finished blocks, adding the blood effects.

- Adding the magical circles and shapes behind her, which are involved with her lunar magic.
Final Default Artwork

Lifeline Protocol

- I began the process in Blender, posing a default female model, and placing multiple spruce trees around as to frame the moon above. I am experimenting here with a fisheye lens, as to better frame the piece.

- Loosening up the fisheye effect to make Penumbra look less distorted.

- Experimenting with camera position. I didn’t end up going for this one, as it felt a bit too linear and could place too much detail behind Penumbra, ruining the contrast.

- A more zoomed in version of the last, looks better but still not quite there.

- Blocking in colours, mapping out the highlights on the trees.

- Beginning to experiment with the focal point: the moon, and how it’s going to accurately convey the blood moon eclipse Lifeline Protocol.

- Experimenting with some volumetric lighting to give the piece a stronger atmosphere, and to add contrast between the sky and the trees.

- Playing with subtle red shading on the trees, to suggest that blood is raining down from the sky.

- Experimenting with some edge lighting to give a more ominous feel. I didn’t end up keeping this however, as it felt a bit too on the nose and distracted from the rest of the piece.

- Beginning to add some glitchy effects, as to imply Penumbra’s effects on the UniverSim.

- More glitchyness, as well as some lighting behind the trees to play with atmosphere some more.

- Added some subtle shading to the trees to play back on the aforementioned raining blood, but much less obvious this time, as to match the light diffusion of the moon at night better.
Final Artwork